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Tuesday 3 January 2012

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Beti Bachchan's name starts with ‘AA’; Finance professionals suggest 'AAA'

Amitabh Bachchan (Big B) and Abhishek Bachchan (Chota B) finally decided on the name for Beti B who came with a great luck for Chota B, please read the story. Therefore, Bachchan duo along with world's most beautiful mummy and granny, Aish aunty (sorry, Sonam Kapoor said like that) and Jaya aunty decided to give Beti B a name which has recession proof. Read story.

"We decided to name our Beti B, which starts with A or AA so that she would be recession proof," said Chota B. He confirmed that he was the only person who felt the severe effects of recession and it took long time to confirm his acting mettle to the world. "Papa B therefore decided to give AA so that she would not face any recessionary problems," said Chota B.

Sources closed to development said something else. "Actually, Ash and Abhishek's names started with A and therefore they want to start Beti B's name with AA and Papa B has earned so much that Chota B does not need to think about recession," a film critic, who didn't want to get identified said. When DCFC reporter asked Aish aunty, she said "This is not true. Though, Papa has earned so much, high inflationary impact and sharp fall in rupee, going forward may reduce our overall wealth. Therefore, we thought the name should contain AA. This was the !dea of Abhi."

However, few finance professionals suggest adopting "AAA" rather than "AA" at the desk of DCFC. "We suggest Big B to consider AAA, which will have more secure environment for Beti B. The AAA will contain all the names, Aish, Abhi and Amitji so that she will have a big shield to combat recession," said Deepak Ahuja, a Chartered Accountant from Delhi said.

DCFC reporter could not get the comments from B family about this new !dea.

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